Welcome to the Surgical Undergraduate Peer Teaching Alliance.

We unite students across the UK to create a friendly and open peer learning environment.

We connect medical students who want to teach surgical topics with students who want to learn. All sessions are reviewed by professional surgeons and all content is saved for re-watching on our website.

Check out our timetable for the year.

We have planned a really interesting year of surgical teaching, with a different University from the UK taking the lead every week!

We’ll update the calendar as new teaching dates are confirmed.

Come and learn about the amazing people who make SUPTA so great!

Meet the team.




The Medical Defence Union

The Royal College of Surgeons

More Than Skin Deep



This is a student-led group and our content is subsequently not a professional peer-reviewed learning resource.

We hope to see you at our events very soon, in the meantime if you have any questions please feel free to get in touch!


Sign up to join our mailing list and be the first to know when events are posted with handy reminders and alerts.